Positive Thinking Affirmations

I focus on my life purpose. I take care in making forward strides.

Every day, in every way, I just keep getting better!

The past influences today and my future days only in positive ways!

From now on, fear will not get the best of me. From now on, I let Love be my guide.

There are people seeking exactly what I have to offer & we're being weaved together into the tapestry of life.

Happiness is my goal, so I let go of EVERYTHING that does not serve my happiness!

I am calm and relaxed in every situation.

Today, I'm moving in the direction that is best for me.

I believe that God always gives the best way for me.

I think in a positive way. My thoughts create my reality.

The Past has no power over me. I know that it is over, and I live solely in the present.

I will get everything I dreamt of. I'll show the people who say I can't that I can.

I am worthy of being happy most of the time.

I will always follow my heart. I will not question my purpose. I will BE the love that I want to Attract.

Every day in every way I am getting better and better and BETTER.

My life is fantastic, never finished, always unfolding... ~ Abraham Hicks

I am a successful person and my intuitive and creative abilities flow through me at all times.

I radiate luck wherever I go. I create the door of miracles.

I am a strong, capable person who gets things done!

I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance. Thank you, Life. ~Louise Hay

I am meant to be very different from everyone else. This releases the burden of feeling like I have to be someone other than me

I only create intentions that bring me and others joy.

Every morning I open my eyes and see the world in a new light like a child seeing a freshly blooming flower for the first time.

I am blessed with success and prosperity everyday!

My enemies can't defeat me. I'm strong and can stand on my own. I'm a winner.

Happiness is my goal, so I let go of EVERYTHING that does not serve my happiness!

I work very hard, and I always do my best. I believe in myself. I can do everything!

I light up the world with the smile on my face.

I love myself. I am lovable and deserve to be loved.

I forgive myself and understand that I'm the only one who's responsible for every situation in my life.

I am strong and life will never get me down, because the harder I fall, the higher I bounce.

I am a runner and I always finish the race.

I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone. -Savage Garden

I am calm and relaxed in every situation.

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned.

Today I set the goals I know I can reach.

My thoughts are under my control.

I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye.

I enjoy my duty: spreading happiness to all people that I meet.

The world is a better place because I am in it.

I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side. -Savage Garden

I am a magnet. I attract love, health, happiness, wisdom, and wealth from the universe.

I absorb the energy of each new day and look forward to tomorrow's new beginning.

Everyday is a new beginning. Problems and mistakes from yesterday are just memories of lessons learned.

No matter how many problems are around me, my thoughts are peaceful and calm.

I am grateful for all the good things that I have in my life: joy, peace and harmony.

I love myself first, then I love others.

The simple things that make me happy: being with friends and loved ones, sharing stories and laughter. Life is great.

No matter what obstacles come across my path today, I will survive!

I dreamt a dream in my childhood, and I was born to make it comes true.

Today I do my best. Tomorrow I'll do even better than best.

I am a priority, not an option.

My life is filled with the wonderful people who bring me gifts of joy and happiness.

The past influences today and my future days only in positive ways!

All good things flow in me and through me and to me. I receive all good things in my life.

My thoughts create my days. I think positively. I create myself and my world.

I learn something everyday. Yesterday I was wise. Today I'm wiser.

I will be focused on my life purpose and be careful in making forward strides.

I let go all past relationships and make a way for new love to come into my life.

I thank God for showing me this right path and the ability to follow this path without fear.

I know that I'm moving to the best direction for me. The path I follow will lead me to the place I'm supposed to go.

I am in control of WHAT I think. I am in control of my life.

Life is what I make of it. I gain strength from the struggles I've won and wisdom from my experiences.

I use my time to do what the best for God, my beloved ones, and myself. I will leave the world better than when I came into it.

I am special and unique. I appreciate what makes me unique and irreplaceable. I am who I want to be.

I believe that there is good hidden inside every moment of my life.

Everything in my life works perfectly. I am grateful for remembering who I really am.

I believe that each new dawn I awaken to is God's way of opening a door to renew myself to be the best I can be.

I believe that each new dawn I awaken to is my chance to bring a change for myself and others.

I am strong and I am moving forward. I know I'll do my best today, and prepare for the next day to come.

I control my fear. It doesn't control me.

I believe that difficulties are opportunities in disguise.

Miracles happen in my life everyday and I appreciate every moment of it.

My life is full of wealth and blessings. I'm grateful for all that I am and all that I have.

I walk in faith and stay focused on what God prepares for me.

Good, Better, and Best. I fight til my Good is Better and my Better is Best.

I face my days with strength and wisdom. Troubles melt away and are replaced by peace and happiness.

The God I serve is bigger than the problems I encounter. I focus on HIM, and not my struggles!

I am perfect, whole and complete, exactly as I am. I am great because I am ME.

I believe that everything's getting better and better every day.

I attract positive people & events into my life NOW. I choose to see beauty & joy everywhere I look.

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